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image of churros, pretzel, popcorn, and chocolate covered pretzel with words 5 must eat snacks at Walt Disney World
Dining & Snacks Walt Disney World

Top 5 Snacks at Walt Disney World

One of my absolute favourite things about Walt Disney World is definitely the snacking. I have eaten some of the most amazing things on our Disney vacations and what’s a vacation without awesome eats, right? It can be overwhelming trying to figure out what you should try, especially if you’re using Disney Dining Plan snack credits. You don’t want to waste your snack credits on bottled water or bananas, you want to really make those credit count. So here are 5 of my favourite snacks that are worth your Disney Snack Credits.

sweet cream cheese pretzel held up by the water at the Boardwalk Resort at Walt Disney World

The Sweet Cream Cheese Pretzel is so good. I finally found it again during my last trip to Disney World. As I was walking around the Boardwalk at Disney’s Boardwalk Resort, the pretzel caught my eye. I almost ran over to make sure I got one, even though there was no one around me. This is an all-time favourite among Disney fans and for good reason. I eat this as slowly as possible because I wanted to make the experience last…I really should have just used another snack credit to get another one…You can find them at BoardWalk Joe’s Marvelous Margaritas.

churro held up against a light blue wood background

I know Disneyland is known for its Churros, and they are tasty, but Disney World has some great Churros too. You can find them all over the parks, I recommend getting the churro that comes with the chocolate dip. Just make sure you grab a napkin and you’re all set.

Popcorn bucket with disney characters filled with buffalo, cheddar, and sour cream and chive popcorn with purple flowers in the background

Popcorn is another snack that’s readily available all over the parks but there’s a cart in Epcot near The Land Pavilion that sells Buffalo flavoured, Cheddar flavoured, and Sour Cream and Chive flavoured Popcorn. You can see from the photo above I enjoy mixing them together. I should also mention that the bucket above is not a snack credit, it’s the re-fillable bucket, but you can buy a regular popcorn container (made of paper) and any refill after you buy the refillable container is considered a snack credit, and well worth the credits.

chocolate covered pretzel

So I happened on this Sweet Pretzel with Chocolate completely by accident. I was wondering around Epcot’s World Showcase one morning when a food cart by Norway caught my eye. I’m really glad it did. The pretzels at Disney World are massive and so wonderful to enjoy. This one is sweet and soft, plus get them fresh in the mornings and they won’t taste stale.

round brownie, covered in dipped chocolate and topped with mms, marshmellows, and chocolate

This last snack was another accident, I thought I was buying a donut at Pop Century Resort’s quick service location, but it was actually a rich chocolate brownie called The Everything Brownie. This is not a brownie for the faint at heart. I would recommend that you get this dessert only if you are a chocolate lover because it’s a chocolate brownie, dipped in milk chocolate, topped with chocolate chips, MMs, walnuts, marshmallows and then drizzled with chocolate.

Even if you aren’t on one of Disney’s Dining Plans, these snacks are well worth the money. You could even share them with your family unless you don’t want to. There’s no judgement here. But if you are on the Dining Plan and want even more information on how to maximize your snack credits, I wrote a post all about it called The Best Valued Snacks on the Disney Dining Plans.



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