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Guides Parks Planning Walt Disney World

Things You Shouldn’t Do at Disney World

Travelling to Walt Disney World can be such a beautiful and fantastic experience. So let’s talk about some things that you definitely shouldn’t do when you visit Walt Disney World, actually any Disney Park for that matter. 

Don’t bring a selfie stick

Leave those sticks at home because Disney has prohibited them from entering their parks. If you do try to bring them into the parks, Disney security will confiscate it.

Don’t cut in line

I try to be mindful that there are places around the world where cutting the line is no big deal, but in North America, it kinda is. It’s rude and inconsiderate. I know attraction lines can be long, but we’re all in it together so let’s not be jerks about it.

Don’t hold spots in line for more than two people

I say for more than two people because I get it, the lines can be long and sometimes someone has to go to the washroom, the kids get cranky, it happens. So do what you have to do and come back BUT if you’re a party of more than 3 or 4 people, be considerate and don’t assume that you can hold a spot for everyone in your party.

Don’t litter

Litter at Walt Disney World

There are trash cans every few feet at Disney World. There is no excuse for throwing your garbage on the ground. There are even trash cans in queues, so there are really no excuses. Pick up after yourself and throw out your trash.

Don’t ram people with your stroller

I don’t think I need to expand on this one…the back of my ankles hurt…

Don’t run to attractions

This is an official rule at the Disney Parks, don’t run at Disney. You don’t want to trip and fall and end up hurting yourself, or a little toddler who’s walking around admiring the sights. If you’re really concerned about making it onto a must-see attraction, just get a Fastpass. You can do it before you even step foot onto Disney property.

Don’t dress like a character lookalike.

You can Disney Bound, you can admire the characters, but if you’re over 14 years old, don’t impersonate any of the characters. Disney doesn’t want any guests becoming confused as to who are the official characters and which are guests impersonation. So don’t wear a character costume to the parks. Cast Members will also ask you to leave and return in different apparel if you decide to ignore this rule.

Don’t stand in the middle of the walkways as people are trying to pass

Like anywhere else, just move over to the side. I get it though, I’ve done this too. I get so excited when I see something that I suddenly stop in my tracks…and then the people behind me bump into me. I apologize, they apologize. Insert awkward smile. Yeah, I get it because I’ve done it, but it sucks, either way, so just be mindful of your surroundings.

Don’t wing it

If you’re a Disney newbie, don’t wing your Disney travel. You don’t have to overly plan your trip but don’t go in without some sort of a plan. Pick the time of year you plan on going, check crowd calendars, look for deals, buy your tickets beforehand, look for ticket sales like those from Undercover Tourist. I’ve purchased my tickets from Undercover Tourist before without any issues and ended up saving a few dollars compared to buying them directly from Disney. Book your Fastpasses to popular attractions as soon as you’re able to and don’t forget to book some table service reservations.

Don’t use your camera’s flash on attraction

A big component of the Disney parks magic experience is the lighting while on the rides. Can you imagine riding Pirate of the Caribbean with the lights on, or the Haunted Mansion, especially if it’s your first time at the park and maybe your last time? Don’t ruin someone’s experience with a flash.

Don’t stress out

After all that, remember you’re on vacation at Disney World. Enjoy yourself, enjoy this time with your family, or if you’re solo, enjoy the ‘me-time’ and have fun. Go grab a Mickey Shaped pretzel and a pair of ears and be the kid at heart you know you are.

Landscape at Epcot

Are there things that you think Disney Parks guests shouldn’t do? What’s on your list?


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