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Planning Things To Do Tips

Five Tips For Surviving D23 Expo

So if you had been following me on Instagram or Twitter, you may have noticed that I attended D23 Expo in Anaheim, California back in 2017. It was quite the experience. I woke up super early, waited in long lines that never seemed to end, and saw lots of beautiful people decked out in their best cosplay. It was quite the experience and one I learned a lot from. So I’m sharing five tips so you can learn from my mistakes and survive your first D23 Expo.

D23 signage
The Ultimate Disney Fan Event

Be prepared to line up early

If you want to get into some of the amazing panels or a shot at some rare merchandise, be prepared to line up the night before or very early in the morning.

This was the line up for the Disney Legends presentation at 4 am…

Bring extra phone chargers

In years past, D23 has released an app that you can use to follow schedules, special events, etc. You’ll be using your phone a lot and your battery will drain faster than you know. You’re going to spend a lot of time lining up, so bring your phone and an extra phone charger so you have some entertainment for the day.

Pack accordingly

Bring a pillow or foldable chairs, blankets, snacks, and lots of water and wear comfortable shoes. I found myself waiting in lines for most of the day. I do think that Disney needs to work on crowd control a lot better at their D23 Expos. I noticed lots of people had backpacks filled with snacks, drinks, and blankets then when the lines started moving they passed their gear off to a friend nearby. I recommend only packing things you can fit in your backpack.

Have a plan

Create a plan. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT go into blind. Check schedules, have an idea of what presentations you want to attend before you get there. Then keep in mind that you will not be able to all everything on your list. Choose wisely.

Disney Legends Presentation

Mentally prepare yourself

Mentally prepare yourself for a weekend full of emotions. Long lines, rude convention goers, amazing panels, beautiful cosplay, more disorganization than you’ve prepared for. If you prepare yourself for that before you get there you’ll have fun. D23 Expo is a wonderful event. There is a lot to do and lots to see and many Disney fans to meet.

Cosplay at D23 Expo 2017

Are you heading to this year’s D23 Expo? What are you looking forward to?



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